Monday, July 20, 2015

6. Religious ME.

This is my church family: The Knights and Ladies of the Altar. I have been a knight and have served our church for almost 8 years and currently I am the Vice President for Internal Affairs.
KALOA has been a very big part of my life, this is where I developed my leadership and time management skills because even though I am a student, I also have schedules in church.
Aside from having school works and projects, I also have duties in church as a sacristan. But I don't see these responsibilities in church as burdens for me, I see them as challenges. Challenges that could mold and develop me into a person who is ready to take on the future realities of life, which is now. Now that I am in college, I am confident that I can graduate with pride and dignity because I keep with me all the things that I have learned as a knight of the altar.

Without KALOA I wouldn't learn how to balance my responsibilities and how to use my time wisely and properly. God only wants 1 hour of your time for the whole week, why don't we give it? I don't know why some people forgets to attend Sunday masses but they never forget to check their facebook every minute? I always tell that to my fellow sacristan everytime they say that cannot serve at a given mass at our church because of school projects or assignments.

Is it hard to be a Sacristan? Looks hard, but it's not. Like in school, you have to learn something about the bible, parts of the church, parts of the mass, etc. Basic! you just have to attend meeting every sunday morning to be informed if there is a event in the church where sacristans are needed.

When I started being a sacristan, It was my responsibility to serve the church every sunday and suddenly turns out to be part of my life that every sunday is the day I serve the church.

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