Saturday, July 4, 2015

5. Sentimental Season

                 Rainy Season! The time where everyone feels cold, lonely and bored in short, Sentimental feeling because of the bad weather. In my case, I feel kinda bad because I have to wash my car every morning because there will be mud scattered around my car and I don't want my car to be dirty especially when I use it.

                When it's raining, there comes the time where you remember the memorable moments that happen in your life, may be the cheesiest, the saddest or the happiest. Most of the time I remember the moments with my Brothers especially the times where we go out of towns. But there comes time you'll remember the person you loved, flashing back the adventures you did together and thinking that there are things that really comes to an end or mostly teens say "Walang Forever." 

               This bible verse made me changed my perspective about rainy seasons:
--- I prefer sunshine, I get annoyed when rain spoils my outdoor plans. I sometimes wrongly think of rain as something negative. But anyone who has experienced drought knows that rain is a blessing. It nourishes the earth for the benefit of both the just and the unjust (Matt. 5:45). 
Always remember that when there is a strong rain God wants us to be stronger.
I also read Jim Paredes' blog entitled "Rain, emotions & my 63 seasons" there's a part that I really want to share with you that what was written in his blog: Even when I see excessive rain that brings flooding and destruction, as much as I feel and empathize with the great suffering of many unfortunate people who live in low neighborhoods, I am fascinated by its sheer power and its great effect over everything. 
Rain is atmospheric. It defines everything. It can seem like it is raining everywhere you look and as far as the eye can see.  It can be all encompassing.  It can’t help but affect you one way or the other. And this is why everyone has some emotional response to it.
 Simply put, rain reigns! 
-True isn't it? 


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