Saturday, July 4, 2015

4. Brotherhood

Time Machine Clan
Fraternity? Gang? Brotherhood it is.
                         In IMC, where I graduated from high school. The Administrators, Faculty Members and other Students thinks that we are a gang or a fraternity.  We call each other as brothers, because ever break time we're always together and we're always there for each other for better or worse. I know our group name is weird, but we don't want to change it even if it's seems childish. The important thing is we're always there for each other because we're brothers for life.

"If we desire a society in which men are brothers, then we must act towards one another with brotherhood. If we can build such a society, then we would have achieved the ultimate goal of human freedom."

Even though we already have our own paths through success, we still have time for each other to catch up things and update about the things happen in our lives. Solid brotherhood as we call each other that really loves one another.

Do you wanna know where's our time machine?
It's just the toilet in the second cubicle at 4th floor rest room in our school, imagining that when we flushed the toilet the time machine starts, reminiscing the happy and sad times of our brotherhood. looks disgusting? but it has meaning for us, it's where the brotherhood started!

There is also one thing that I want to brag about our brotherhood, we never fail in our subjects even though we sleep,eat, play during classes. Do stupid things. Still, WE never fail in our subjects even its a minor subject ;)

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