Wednesday, July 1, 2015

1. Me,Myself and I

I really don't know what to put on my first blog that's why I'll just introduce myself

Who am I? Who is Lean?
            I'm Lean Nasser Q. Carreon, who's a Basketball player, a Car Enthusiast and a Freshman in APC. In the picture above it looks like I know how to swim but actually I really don't know how to swim even I'm trying to learn how to. :/
            Whoever reads this post, you know how to pronounce my name because everytime they pronounce my name they always say "Leeen" instead of "Lee-an/Lian" and I admit it, my name is a girl's name. :|
So here's the real me

 “I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can’t accept not trying.” by Michael Jordan the
greatest baskteball player in NBA, this is the quote that keeps lean carreon go on with  his life. Lean Carreon
faced many failures in his life that almost made him to attempt death, but with the help of his love ones that made
 him a strong person again. So who's Lean Carreon?

I grew up inside a military camp because my father is an Army officer, and my mother is an Airforce officer. so
basically i grew up the military way, thats why I'm always in a hurry because i strongly believe with the saying that
time is gold. I really don't like studying, I just want to pass my subjects and finish school. but the sad thing is,
my parents have a big expectation to me, they want me to be atleast a cum laude. because my brother was a magna cumlaude
he graduated at this very school even though we took different course and my sister who is now taking her masters degree in UP
diliman that also made my parents expect more to me. and I really dont know why.

Succeeding in the game of basketball is what I really dreamed of, but I admit, this is a shattered dream already. Honestly
speaking, I wasn't supposed to study here in APC it's supposed to be at Enderun. last summer, there was a 2 week tryout in enderun.
I was picked but not one of the best picks, my parents targeted the 50% discount but i only got 30% that is why I'm here and
admitted to myself that i'll not gonna be a pro basketball anymore.

I'm a happy go lucky guy that wants to live the so called "chill life." I look like a happy person, but the real thing is
that I'm a very sad person- having a very pressuring expectation from my parents, having a shattered dream and having a
broken heart. surprising huh? but that's the truth. I'm just acting that I'm always okay even though I'm not. I just don't
want people around me to pity me.
But yeah, life goes on. There are many challenges in life and there are things that are not meant for you.
The good thing is that you tried and gave your best, accepted the failures happend to your life and remember, death is not the answer to the
problems that you're facing.


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