Monday, July 20, 2015

7. Ultimate

Some people call this game as Frisbee, but the real name of this game is Ultimate. Ultimate is a self-officiating game that means you don't referees to officiate the game, you just need to understand the rules and you're ready to play.

I have three different sources that tells you about the game Ultimate, and will let you understand how the game is being played.
>Ultimate resembles many traditional sports in its athletic requirements, it is unlike most sports due to its focus on self-officiating, even at the highest levels of competition. This concept, called Spirit of the Game, is integrated into the basic philosophy of the sport, written into the rules, and practiced at all levels of the game from local leagues to the World Games.
>Ultimate is a limited-contact team field sport played with a flying disc, usually called the disc or frisbee. Points are scored by passing the disc to a teammate in the opposing end zone.
>Ultimate is an exciting, non-contact team sport, played by thousands the world over. It mixes the best features of sports such as Soccer, Basketball, American Football and Netball into an elegantly simple yet fascinating and demanding game.

Sadly, Ultimate is still not one of the well known sport all over the world, but I assure you, when you learn how to play ultimate you'll love it. In my own opinion, playing Ultimate increases your speed, stamina and reflexes
The man in the picture who is diving to catch the disc is Brodie Smith! He is my idol, wanna know why? Watch his insane videos on Youtube or follow him on instagram @Brodiesmith21 ! :)

"Ultimate is governed by Spirit of the Game™, a tradition of sportsmanship that places the responsibility for fair play on the players rather than referees."


6. Religious ME.

This is my church family: The Knights and Ladies of the Altar. I have been a knight and have served our church for almost 8 years and currently I am the Vice President for Internal Affairs.
KALOA has been a very big part of my life, this is where I developed my leadership and time management skills because even though I am a student, I also have schedules in church.
Aside from having school works and projects, I also have duties in church as a sacristan. But I don't see these responsibilities in church as burdens for me, I see them as challenges. Challenges that could mold and develop me into a person who is ready to take on the future realities of life, which is now. Now that I am in college, I am confident that I can graduate with pride and dignity because I keep with me all the things that I have learned as a knight of the altar.

Without KALOA I wouldn't learn how to balance my responsibilities and how to use my time wisely and properly. God only wants 1 hour of your time for the whole week, why don't we give it? I don't know why some people forgets to attend Sunday masses but they never forget to check their facebook every minute? I always tell that to my fellow sacristan everytime they say that cannot serve at a given mass at our church because of school projects or assignments.

Is it hard to be a Sacristan? Looks hard, but it's not. Like in school, you have to learn something about the bible, parts of the church, parts of the mass, etc. Basic! you just have to attend meeting every sunday morning to be informed if there is a event in the church where sacristans are needed.

When I started being a sacristan, It was my responsibility to serve the church every sunday and suddenly turns out to be part of my life that every sunday is the day I serve the church.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

5. Sentimental Season

                 Rainy Season! The time where everyone feels cold, lonely and bored in short, Sentimental feeling because of the bad weather. In my case, I feel kinda bad because I have to wash my car every morning because there will be mud scattered around my car and I don't want my car to be dirty especially when I use it.

                When it's raining, there comes the time where you remember the memorable moments that happen in your life, may be the cheesiest, the saddest or the happiest. Most of the time I remember the moments with my Brothers especially the times where we go out of towns. But there comes time you'll remember the person you loved, flashing back the adventures you did together and thinking that there are things that really comes to an end or mostly teens say "Walang Forever." 

               This bible verse made me changed my perspective about rainy seasons:
--- I prefer sunshine, I get annoyed when rain spoils my outdoor plans. I sometimes wrongly think of rain as something negative. But anyone who has experienced drought knows that rain is a blessing. It nourishes the earth for the benefit of both the just and the unjust (Matt. 5:45). 
Always remember that when there is a strong rain God wants us to be stronger.
I also read Jim Paredes' blog entitled "Rain, emotions & my 63 seasons" there's a part that I really want to share with you that what was written in his blog: Even when I see excessive rain that brings flooding and destruction, as much as I feel and empathize with the great suffering of many unfortunate people who live in low neighborhoods, I am fascinated by its sheer power and its great effect over everything. 
Rain is atmospheric. It defines everything. It can seem like it is raining everywhere you look and as far as the eye can see.  It can be all encompassing.  It can’t help but affect you one way or the other. And this is why everyone has some emotional response to it.
 Simply put, rain reigns! 
-True isn't it? 


4. Brotherhood

Time Machine Clan
Fraternity? Gang? Brotherhood it is.
                         In IMC, where I graduated from high school. The Administrators, Faculty Members and other Students thinks that we are a gang or a fraternity.  We call each other as brothers, because ever break time we're always together and we're always there for each other for better or worse. I know our group name is weird, but we don't want to change it even if it's seems childish. The important thing is we're always there for each other because we're brothers for life.

"If we desire a society in which men are brothers, then we must act towards one another with brotherhood. If we can build such a society, then we would have achieved the ultimate goal of human freedom."

Even though we already have our own paths through success, we still have time for each other to catch up things and update about the things happen in our lives. Solid brotherhood as we call each other that really loves one another.

Do you wanna know where's our time machine?
It's just the toilet in the second cubicle at 4th floor rest room in our school, imagining that when we flushed the toilet the time machine starts, reminiscing the happy and sad times of our brotherhood. looks disgusting? but it has meaning for us, it's where the brotherhood started!

There is also one thing that I want to brag about our brotherhood, we never fail in our subjects even though we sleep,eat, play during classes. Do stupid things. Still, WE never fail in our subjects even its a minor subject ;)

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

3. Ball is Life

My latest photo in playing basketball. (Red)

            When I was in grade 3, I started playing basketball. At first it was only my hobby but suddenly it turns out to be my passion. Even though my school when I was in high-school doesn't support sports programs where we compete to other schools, it doesn't stop me on playing basketball. So I did, me and my friends join basketball leagues around taguig so that we can improve ourselves in playing the game of basketball.

And these are the things that might be the reason that I didn't succeed with my dream:

basketball virtual training that can fulfill the requirements of an actual training session. It gives you almost the same training experience as a real time training schedule can. The level of the game can be easily taken to a new level with the help of these virtual training sessions.
Gaining stamina and strength
Stamina and strength are the two most crucial aspects that have to be considered to enhance a player’s game. It is especially true in the case of kids. Trainers always take two things into account when dwelling on basketball training tips for kids.The kids have to be taught how to conserve their energy and shoot the ball into the basket by using the least amount of energy. They are also taught drills that can increase their strength and vigor. They get to learn the various moves that are essential to playing the game.
Training camps for kids
You can help your kid to learn the intricacies of the game by enrolling them in basketball training camp for kids. Here, the kids are taught the rules and regulations of the game to prepare them for the future. Clubs conduct these camps to teach the kids how best to play the game. The effectiveness of college basketball camps for boys conducted by colleges also contribute to making good basketball players out of the college student who attend the camps.

I found this from a blog in

Since I was a kid, I really dreamed to be a Pro Basketball Player. But when I was in high-school. my school doesn't support sports programs. Even though my school doesn't support sports programs, I always practice basketball all by myself. But still, if you're not in a school that is joining basketball leagues, you cannot be discovered by college basketball coaches. at first, it was hard to accept the reality that it's a shattered dream, as time goes by.. I accept the fact that basketball isn't gonna be my life.

2. My Hatchback Auto

Like what I've said in my last post, I'm a Car Enthusiast :)

              This is my Hatchback Automobile, unlike other college students that has a brand new car or a new generation model. Mine is just a 1991 model Kia Pride cd-5. Yes, my car is really older than me :)
               When I was practice driving last summer of 2014, I always ask my dad that if I already learn how to drive will he buy me a new one but he always reject my question. After months passes by I started to appreciate my car even though this is old school I realized that not all kids at my age has a car.

                Someday, my car will look like old school but its fast, very fast. I'm not the type of guy that wants my car will be too classy, I just want it simple but the performance and the power of my car is very high. I want to be a drag racer, just for fun not for cash. 

 I just want to share to you guys the modifications that I want to put in my car:

  • Autogauge Shift Light with fully adjustable RPM Pill
  • Autometer Air/Fuel Ratio Gauge/Carbon gauge holder
  • Converted headlights
  • Port and polished cylinder head
  • Head shaved cylinder head
  • Fabricated top engine support
  • 4-1 Headers, full exhaust, straight thru muffler
  • Modified clutch, bigger clutch disc
  • 60mm throttle body
  • Cone type Air Filter
  • B5 ECU(6,500 revlimit) and MAF sensor
  • Assembled Ignition amplifier
  • NGK Hi-tension wires
  • BP fuel pump
  • Adjustable fuel pressure regulator
  • Rear relocated battery with plastic battery holder

I would be very satisfied with my car if I will have a chance to have these modifications :)

1. Me,Myself and I

I really don't know what to put on my first blog that's why I'll just introduce myself

Who am I? Who is Lean?
            I'm Lean Nasser Q. Carreon, who's a Basketball player, a Car Enthusiast and a Freshman in APC. In the picture above it looks like I know how to swim but actually I really don't know how to swim even I'm trying to learn how to. :/
            Whoever reads this post, you know how to pronounce my name because everytime they pronounce my name they always say "Leeen" instead of "Lee-an/Lian" and I admit it, my name is a girl's name. :|
So here's the real me

 “I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can’t accept not trying.” by Michael Jordan the
greatest baskteball player in NBA, this is the quote that keeps lean carreon go on with  his life. Lean Carreon
faced many failures in his life that almost made him to attempt death, but with the help of his love ones that made
 him a strong person again. So who's Lean Carreon?

I grew up inside a military camp because my father is an Army officer, and my mother is an Airforce officer. so
basically i grew up the military way, thats why I'm always in a hurry because i strongly believe with the saying that
time is gold. I really don't like studying, I just want to pass my subjects and finish school. but the sad thing is,
my parents have a big expectation to me, they want me to be atleast a cum laude. because my brother was a magna cumlaude
he graduated at this very school even though we took different course and my sister who is now taking her masters degree in UP
diliman that also made my parents expect more to me. and I really dont know why.

Succeeding in the game of basketball is what I really dreamed of, but I admit, this is a shattered dream already. Honestly
speaking, I wasn't supposed to study here in APC it's supposed to be at Enderun. last summer, there was a 2 week tryout in enderun.
I was picked but not one of the best picks, my parents targeted the 50% discount but i only got 30% that is why I'm here and
admitted to myself that i'll not gonna be a pro basketball anymore.

I'm a happy go lucky guy that wants to live the so called "chill life." I look like a happy person, but the real thing is
that I'm a very sad person- having a very pressuring expectation from my parents, having a shattered dream and having a
broken heart. surprising huh? but that's the truth. I'm just acting that I'm always okay even though I'm not. I just don't
want people around me to pity me.
But yeah, life goes on. There are many challenges in life and there are things that are not meant for you.
The good thing is that you tried and gave your best, accepted the failures happend to your life and remember, death is not the answer to the
problems that you're facing.