Monday, August 24, 2015

11. My Favorite Place

            Every time I go to my favorite place, I always feel very relaxed where I can rest peacefully. Entering to my favorite place when you look to the left you will see a white big cabinet and beside of it, there is a black shoe rack. Looking to right side, you will see the reason why this is my favorite place because it’s very soft and cozy that you will feel that you’re like lying down in the clouds and will make you daydream even if you’re not yet asleep, basically, it’s my white king sized bed. Looking back to the left side, at the corner part of it, my computer is located with my wallet, car keys and cellphone. In short, my valuables. On the other side, the corner right side of my favorite place is simply my used clothes that is ready for laundry. When you look above, you will only see a lightbulb but when you turn off the light, you will see a “glow in the dark” stars and when you look below, it’s the floor, designed like the floor of a basketball that has a free throw line and a 3 point line. If you still can’t visualize my favorite place, Simply, It’s my bedroom.

              Why bedroom? I'm not that kind of person who will travel out of town to go for the place where I can relax, because I'm not a travel type of guy. I just want things to be simple just like my favorite place. Unlike other people, they have to travel and spend money to relax themselves and escape from their problems. Going to my favorite place doesn't need any money to blow or effort to exert just to be there, I just have to lie down to my bed and I will feel already relaxed. Also, I can go to my favorite place anytime I want, unlike travelling out of town that eats a lot of time just to arrived there and you can't go there anytime you want unless you have free time and extra money to spend.

               Looking for your favorite doesn't need to be luxurious, it can be simple because the important thing is that you can relax and be at peace for a short period of time to empty your mind from all the problems you had in your daily life.

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