Monday, August 24, 2015

15. Hunger in Sudan.

The vulture and the little girl, 1993

Are you familiar with this picture?
The Title of this picture is The Little Girl and The Vulture. I bet you didn't knew that this was a little girl not boy. I also thought that she was a boy because she has no long hair. This picture was taken by  a South African photojournalist, Kevin Carter, while on assignment to Sudan. He took his own life a couple of month later due to depression

“The parents of the children were busy taking food from the plane, so they had left their children only briefly while they collected the food. This was the situation for the girl in the photo taken by Carter. A vulture landed behind the girl. To get the two in focus, Carter approached the scene very slowly so as not to scare the vulture away and took a photo from approximately 10 meters. He took a few more photos before chasing the bird away.”

The first thing that popped out in my mind when I saw the picture of the little girl and the vulture was basically waiting for the little girl to die from hunger because vultures prefer dead meat because they can eat rotten flesh without getting ill and they have acids in their stomach that can destroy any organism that a rotten flesh has.

Where was this photo taken? It’s in Sudan, an Arab country in Nile valley of North Africa. In Sudan, 2.2 million were still facing either crisis or emergency level of food insecurity.

About the photographer: He had a good shot that made the people be aware on what’s happening in other countries all over the world. Unfortunately, the photographer of this picture committed suicide because of the criticism that being thrown to him because he didn’t do anything after he took the shot. He died of carbon monoxide poisoning on July 27, 1994 at the age of 33.  If I was in the photographer’s situation, I’d take the shot and ward off the vulture away from the little girl and give the little girl some food what I have in my bag.

Some Filipinos are also having the same situation today what the little girl had that is why I feel very lucky in my situation right now that I eat at least 3 times a day, I sleep in a comfortable place and I can have everything that I need. 



  1. what an awesome blog now i know that in sudan is on drought

  2. Yeah, we should be thankful for what we have because other people would want what you have.
